Wednesday 17 August 2016

The best time to plant a tree is forty years ago, the second best time is now.

If we all look in life or in fact for most people, why is it that, we always feel we missed the bus by a whisker? On many occasions we feel that, we have missed the chance to do something, be something or to make a little difference in life.
Why can’t we live the life that we always desire for? Why we have to put up so much compromise in life? Sometimes we cannot able to decide the simplest things without any apparent reason; human being lack of will is one of the most common vices a man has suffered.
We are so much absorbed in small things that we become forgetful of larger picture. And what is the larger picture? The larger picture is what you wanted in life and what gives you happiness. The larger picture is to know where one is going, and went after it confidently. The greatest freedom in life is able to decide what you wanted in life. Self-assurance is the biggest freedom one can ask for. Why we have so much doubt in life, which do good neither to us and nor to anyone else.
Henry Ford once said, “weather you think you can or you cannot, you are right both ways.” We do so much injustice to ourselves and to our makers by doubting ourselves. The famous American writer Zig Zigler said that there is so much negativity around us that we are  so much prone to negativity.
The problem is we have all become the master of procrastination and self-doubt; we postpone things that we could have been done a long time back by saying, “Tomorrow”. We keep on saying “tomorrow”, off course tomorrow never dies, but we are mortal, our times will dies out and when we started realizing, it’s all too late.
Have you ever come across a termed called “boiling frog syndrome”? Frogs are Cold Blooded animals and they have amazing capacity to adjust their body temperature. I’m quoting a much quoted excerpt from one of my Facebook friend, because it is well written and I like it’s very much.  
Put a frog into a vessel fill with water and start heating the water.
As the temperature of the water begins to rise, the frog adjusts its body temperature accordingly.
The frog keeps adjusting its body temperature with the increasing temperature of the water. Just when the water is about to reach boiling point, the frog cannot adjust anymore. At this point the frog decides to jump out.
The frog tries to jump but it is unable to do so because it has lost all its strength in adjusting with the rising water temperature.
Very soon the frog dies.

What killed the frog?
Think about it!
I know many of us will say the boiling water. But the truth about what killed the frog was its own inability to decide when to jump out.
We all need to adjust with people & situations, but we need to be sure when we need to adjust & when we need to move on. There are times when we need to face the situation and take appropriate actions.
If we allow people to exploit us
physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually or mentally they will continue to do so.
Let us decide when to jump!
Let's jump while we still have the strength.”

Life is short; we should realize that not taking any decision is also a decision. If we don’t go after our dreams; people will hire us to complete their dreams. Don’t just remain a tool of other people! Have dreams; (it takes guts to go after it) and go after it.
Plant your trees now, its never late too start plating.
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